Members shall study God’s word, the Holy Bible, daily. Both morning and evening prayer is also earnestly encouraged. Daily examination of conscience and sincere, prayerful confession is recommended. Members shall celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) regularly. As we are admonished then in the Holy Scriptures by James 2:26, so too are we encouraged in James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
The purpose of the order is to respond to religious vocations and public service callings within the community and to serve God’s people. Members of the Order shall profess the Vow of Holy Obedience (fidelity and always listening to God’s will) and promise to live the Gospel life according to the example of Saint James the Just.
In their daily lives, let members strive to inspire others and by good example promote practices of piety and good works. We are searching for God in each person we encounter. All of our community will strive to make God known to the world by our daily action and interaction will all people. “By example you will know them.”